
Chamomile tea - improves digestion

Chamomile tea is a real doctor in the house. Whether you drink for pleasure, when you feel the need to warm up with a hot liquid or as you drink because you have heard that he has amazing therapeutic properties, chamomile tea will always be a reliable ally of your body. Discover the health benefits of chamomile tea and enjoy this natural remedy able to treat and prevent various diseases.
Chamomile tea contains, inter alia, calcium, carbohydrates, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, folic acid, iron, vitamin A, salicylic acid, vitamins C and B1, plus organic acids. All of these substances help to be chamomile tea antioxidant, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
Improves digestion

If you are struggling with slow intestinal transit, you suffer from indigestion or constipation, it is recommended to consume 2-3 cups of chamomile tea every day. Chamomile is an herb known for its beneficial effect on digestive and detoxifying process.


Chamomile tea with lemon

Chamomile tea with lemon
Diet lemon and chamomile, a healthy alternative for weight adjustment
You tried so far many variations of diets to get rid of extra pounds, but all assumed some starvation? It will be much easier to follow and have quick results.
You need to get hold of chamomile, preferably the dried herb, but you can also use chamomile tea bags. One way to Plafar or market and the first step is already done.
Then, you need as many lemons, which is better to choose as juicy.
Prepare an infusion of chamomile evening, which add a lemon cut into quarters. Leave it covered up the next morning, when squeeze the tea and drink it on an empty stomach.
The next day repeat the process, adding two lemons sliced in quarters instead of one.
What did you do on the third day? You guessed it, same thing, just that you need three lemons. That is until you get to the tenth day, ten lemons
Watch the diuretic effect! It's good to have a bathroom around, because it is a diet that cleanses the body of toxins. After you have reached the tenth day, start to decrease the amount of lemons used, descending, until they finish. The taste is slightly bitter, try to support it as such, because you are not allowed to add sugar or honey.


treatments with chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is useful in allergies, colds, hyperglycemia menstrual cramps. In case of diabetes, helps lower blood sugar, preventing possible complications: nerve or vision problems, circulatory, kidney problems.
Internally, drink 2-3 cups of tea daily. It is recommended to treat abdominal colic, ulcers, diarrhea, gastritis, flu and bronchial asthma.
In combination with anise, mint, fennel, marshmallow root and liquorice help soothe colic and gas removal.
Because of soothing and anti-inflammatory effect is used in combination with other herbs in treating a wide range of ailments.
Externally due to antiseptic properties, chamomile is used as baths, gargling, poultices and enemas.
Chamomile flowers are used for tea, chamomile oil, steam and vapor or powder form.
Gargling is recommended in diseases of the mouth, tonsillitis, gingivitis, abscesses. For this, make an infusion of 3 teaspoons of herb to 200 ml water, let infuse, strain it and can add 4g boric acid.
For bathrooms, pour boiling water over a cloth bag in which they put 2-3 handfuls of chamomile flowers and leave until the water reaches the desired temperature for use.
In cosmetics, compresses with concentrated infusion of chamomile have calming effect on irritated or reddened complexions. For deep cleaning them can make steam baths with chamomile. It is an excellent tonic capillary, rinsing hair with chamomile tea strengthens the roots and gives it a silky appearance.


tea with chamomile

Chamomile flowers are used for teas, chamomile oil, steam and vapor or in powder form.
Intern, drink 2-3 cups of tea daily, obtained by boiling 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers with 250 ml boiling water. It is recommended to treat stomach ulcers, abdominal colic, gastritis, diarrhea, flu and asthma.
Chamomile tea is useful in the case of colds, menstrual cramps, hyperglycemia, allergies. In case of diabetes, help to lower blood glucose, preventing possible complications: kidney problems, circulatory, or nerve disorders.
In combination with anise, fennel, mint, marshmallow root and liquorice help soothe colic and gas removal.
Because calming and anti-inflammatory general effect is used in combination with other herbs, to treat a wide range of ailments.
Externally, due to its antiseptic qualities, chamomile is used for baths, poultices, gargles, and enemas.
Gargling is recommended in diseases of the mouth, abscesses, gingivitis, tonsillitis. For this, is an infusion of 3 teaspoons of herb to 200 ml water, let infuse, strain and can be added boric acid 4g.
For bathrooms, pour hot water over a cloth bag that they put 2-3 handfuls of chamomile flowers and leave until the water reaches the desired temperature for use.
In cosmetics, the compresses with  decoction of chamomile have calming effect on irritated or reddened complexion. For the deep cleaning of thereof can be made with chamomile steam baths. It is an excellent capillary tonic, rinsing hair with chamomile tea strengthens the roots and gives it a silky appearance.


chamomile side effects

Chamomile is generally considered safe and nontoxic.
However, there are situations where this herb so used may be harmful. Chamomile tea is renowned for his quality of the natural antibiotic and disinfectant. But, administered for long periods of time, this may lead to impaired of intestinal flora, an effect that it has and synthetic antibiotics.
Although quite rarely, there have been cases of allergic reaction to chamomile, including quite severe reactions.
These can be caused by "crossbreeding" of chamomile with similar plants. Chamomile is part of the composites family,  same which contains daisies, asters and countless flowers that can cause allergic reactions,  such as firugina and wormwood.
Besides allergic reaction, the worst side effect of chamomile is his anticoagulant activity. The fault is coumarin (poison), which can intervenes in the blood clotting, for example do not use chamomile together with aspirin or other substances that have the anticoagulant properties. To some can cause lassitude. And in large quantities can cause vomiting and vomiting gas.
Should be avoided essential oil and chamomile tincture by women who are pregnant.
Drugs that interact with chamomile
Chamomile interacts with anticoagulants such as warfarin, but also with medications recommended for people with high blood pressure. For this reason, consistent consumption of chamomile tea during administration of such pills can cause bleeding for those taking anticoagulants, respectively high blood if the person takes antihypertensive. Also interacting with sedative medications and alcohol.


chamomile tea for gums

The gums inflamed or swollen or gums that bleed when you brush your teeth indicate a fairly common problem that advertises natural treatment or medical emergency. These symptoms are gingivitis, a form of inflammation of the gums caused by tartar.
Teeth, inflamed gums become red, soft, shiny, and bleed easily, especially when you bite into a fruit, pretzels or to brushing our teeth. In some cases occur and the pains, but often gingivitis not have signal of pains. Gingivitis is an early stage of periodontal disease.
Chamomile reduces inflammation
An efficient plant in treating gingivitis is chamomile, because it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The infusion is made up of three teaspoons of chamomile flowers and a cup of hot water. It is recommended to rinse with chamomile tea at least three times a day, in rounds of five minutes.
Or you can put a wet chamomile tea bag on the painful area. Tea contains tannic acid that stops the bleeding and reduce inflammation. Chamomile represents an effective natural treatment for red gums problems and is also very simple to use, just rinse your mouth with chamomile tea several times a day.
Massage the gums encircling them between thumb and forefinger. This massage improves blood circulation in the tissue painful, inflamed, helping the gums to heal more easily.


chamomile for depression

Chamomile could have an indirect impact on depression
In an article about depression and insomnia which appeared in the Journal of Affective Disorders, the authors realized that if you are diagnosed with insomnia, the risk to be diagnosed and with depression also in one of the next three years are very high. Of course anxiety is also strongly linked to depression.  About 85% of those have been found as being depressed and suffering from anxiety, according to a study submitted to the site of mental health Anxiety frequency and insomnia during depression suggest that chamomile may be helpful for relieving some of the symptoms of these disorders.
Long-term effects of chamomile
Unlike some supplements that are effective only for a few hours, it seems to stay in the system for a relatively long time. A 2005 study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry evaluated the urinate of volunteers who drank chamomile tea daily for two weeks. These assessments have found high levels of hipurat, an anti-inflammatory, and glycine, which help relieves muscle spasms. To two weeks after the volunteers have ceased to drinking chamomile tea, the levels of these elements were still measurable.
This medicinal plant is available as capsules or tea in most grocery stores and those with healthy foods. However proceed with caution if ambrosia will makes to unwieldy breathe and sneeze. Chamomile is the same family and could cause an allergic reaction similar.