
Chamomile tea with lemon

Chamomile tea with lemon
Diet lemon and chamomile, a healthy alternative for weight adjustment
You tried so far many variations of diets to get rid of extra pounds, but all assumed some starvation? It will be much easier to follow and have quick results.
You need to get hold of chamomile, preferably the dried herb, but you can also use chamomile tea bags. One way to Plafar or market and the first step is already done.
Then, you need as many lemons, which is better to choose as juicy.
Prepare an infusion of chamomile evening, which add a lemon cut into quarters. Leave it covered up the next morning, when squeeze the tea and drink it on an empty stomach.
The next day repeat the process, adding two lemons sliced in quarters instead of one.
What did you do on the third day? You guessed it, same thing, just that you need three lemons. That is until you get to the tenth day, ten lemons
Watch the diuretic effect! It's good to have a bathroom around, because it is a diet that cleanses the body of toxins. After you have reached the tenth day, start to decrease the amount of lemons used, descending, until they finish. The taste is slightly bitter, try to support it as such, because you are not allowed to add sugar or honey.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's interesting! I will definitely try this from today (Oh.. I need to get the lemons first). Its been just 2 months since I made the switch from coffee and tea and I'm already feeling the difference. Everyone should definitely try Chamomile tea
