
tea with chamomile

Chamomile flowers are used for teas, chamomile oil, steam and vapor or in powder form.
Intern, drink 2-3 cups of tea daily, obtained by boiling 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers with 250 ml boiling water. It is recommended to treat stomach ulcers, abdominal colic, gastritis, diarrhea, flu and asthma.
Chamomile tea is useful in the case of colds, menstrual cramps, hyperglycemia, allergies. In case of diabetes, help to lower blood glucose, preventing possible complications: kidney problems, circulatory, or nerve disorders.
In combination with anise, fennel, mint, marshmallow root and liquorice help soothe colic and gas removal.
Because calming and anti-inflammatory general effect is used in combination with other herbs, to treat a wide range of ailments.
Externally, due to its antiseptic qualities, chamomile is used for baths, poultices, gargles, and enemas.
Gargling is recommended in diseases of the mouth, abscesses, gingivitis, tonsillitis. For this, is an infusion of 3 teaspoons of herb to 200 ml water, let infuse, strain and can be added boric acid 4g.
For bathrooms, pour hot water over a cloth bag that they put 2-3 handfuls of chamomile flowers and leave until the water reaches the desired temperature for use.
In cosmetics, the compresses with  decoction of chamomile have calming effect on irritated or reddened complexion. For the deep cleaning of thereof can be made with chamomile steam baths. It is an excellent capillary tonic, rinsing hair with chamomile tea strengthens the roots and gives it a silky appearance.

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